Available paintings
Costa Brava
Vall d'Aran

Pere Camps is born in 1929 in Sabadell, a municipality of the Barcelona metropolitan region. As a child he feels an attraction to drawing and painting, and so this leads him to embark on his first international adventure to Morocco, with only twenty years of age. These first 3 years in Morocco mark the true beginning of his professional dedication to painting which fortunately has permitted him to dedicate himself to this until today.

Soon after his return to Barcelona, he leaves again, but this time to Paris where he submerges himself in the picturesque environment and in the culture of the time. It is here where he achieves his first exhibition outside of Spain, just as he turns twenty-five.
In 1958 he returns, once again, to Barcelona where he combines his work with a new personal challenge which drives him to design a diverse collection of textiles. He allows himself to follow his impulses, for during this time in the world of print, new and attractive techniques emerge which are explored by a large community of artists.

In the year 1973, his increasing attraction to the sea and her surroundings, drives him to establish himself in a small village in Bajo Ampurdan, called Montras. In the placid ambiance of his studio, Collet d’es Vent, situated in the highest part of the village, in an enclave where the prevalent local winds, Tramontana and Garbi, often converge, he initiates a prolific phase in the field of oil painting and watercolour. This intense activity, and the need to temporarily break from the monotony of seascapes, sand and windstorms, lead him to spend long stays in a fairytale studio of a small village in the Aran valley, where the snow, coupled with the vast change of scenery, acts as a counterbalance against to the seascapes of Ampurda. Since then, and especially during the winter, the Aran Valley continues to call him, a call which he answers annually without fail.

Throughout these years he holds numerous exhibitions, a great majority of them in Spanish cities but as well in Paris, Toulouse, Lisbon, Munich, London, and the United Nations Headquarters in Geneva.